Six election coalitions registered for local elections in Tallinn

Six elections coalitions have been registered for the Oct. 15 municipal council elections in Tallinn, officials reported on Friday.
On Friday, an election coalition named "Valimisliit Hääled — International and Local Voices for the Prosperous Future of Tallinn / rahvusvahelised ja kohalikud hääled Tallinna õitsva tuleviku jaoks" was registered by Tallinn Electoral Committee, the city government said.
The five alliances already registered include the Estonian Survival Movement (Eesti Ellujäämisliikumine), Subway City (Metroolinn), OUR Tallinn (MEIE Tallinn), Free Citizen of Tallinn (Vaba Tallinna Kodanik) and the Savisaar Election Coalition and Active Tallinn (Savisaare Valimisliit ja Tegus Tallinn).
Vootele Vaher, Krister Kivi and Ramid Niftalijev have also been registered as independent candidates.
The filing of applications for the registration of election coalitions for the Oct. 15 polls ended at 6 p.m. on Thursday.
Registration of individual candidates ends at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS