Center's leadership backs Mäggi as next minister of public administration

The leadership of the governing Center Party decided on Monday morning to make businessman Janek Mäggi its candidate for minister of public administration. Mäggi would replace Jaak Aab (Center), who announced in April that he is stepping down.
Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center) will take the matter to President Kersti Kaljulaid on Wednesday this week. Once the president appoints the new minister, he will also have to pass a confirmation vote in the Riigikogu.
Ratas announced his choice on Friday last week. According to the prime minister, Mäggi has agreed.
"The state reform, a steadier regional development, and the creation of public sector jobs outside Tallinn require a composed and analytical approach as well as negotiations with various parties," the prime minister said. "It's very important for the minister of public administration to know both the public as well as private sector. Janek Mäggi undoubtedly has the experience and knowledge necessary for the job."
Current Minister of Public Administration Jaak Aab is resigning. The police stopped Aab earlier this year, finding that he had been speeding as well as driving under the influence. Aab announced his resignation shortly after ministers were informed about the incident.
Mäggi meanwhile announced that he will join the Center Party and also be a candidate in the parliamentary elections next year. In a press release on Monday morning, he said that over the years he has had the chance to familiarize with plenty of different places around the country: "I'm aware of places outside Tallinn where the situation is difficult, and using my experience I would like to do my part to solve these issues," Mäggi wrote.
The minister of public administration plays an important role in the organization and development of the state's presence and also its infrastructure and economic support in Estonia's more rural and remote areas.
Editor: Dario Cavegn