Tammsaare Park reopening postponed again, Gonsiori St works still slow

Tallinn Mayor Taavi Aas (Centre), who has recently been under fire because several large construction projects are progressing at a glacial pace, told ERR's "Aktuaalne kaamera" newscast on Wednesday that the completion date for Tammsaare Park between the National Opera and Viru Keskus buildings has been postponed again.
Construction at the site began in spring 2016 and was slowed down several times, with conservation works on the foundation of a market hall that was destroyed in a World War II bomb raid being one of the reasons.
Another, according to Aas, is that the work depends on the weather. The contractor told them that there is another delay now because of the recent heavy rain, a few ten days at most. "But everything will get done," Aas said.
With any luck, the park will be open to the public again in late August.
Work on Gonsiori Street sites still slow
The city recently faced sharp criticism for the pace and at times the complete standstill of the construction work on Tallinn's Gonsiori Street as well.
The full width of the street is ripped open stretching from the Viru Keskus shopping centre to the Rescue Board's firehouse on the corner of Gonsiori and Pronksi St.
The way traffic is redirected around the usually very busy intersection affects transit traffic as well as public transport to a significant extent, which prompted plenty of complaints when in mid-June the construction site lay completely deserted for more than a week.
The mayor's comment at the time was, "If the workers aren't working there, they're working somewhere else."
Editor: Dario Cavegn