Part of Victims of Communism Memorial closed through Aug. 2 for repairs
State real estate company Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS) began repairs to damaged panels of the Victims of Communism Memorial in Tallinn's Maarjamäe neighborhood. Repairwork is scheduled to take a week and a half, due to which part of the memorial will be closed to visitors through Aug. 2.
To be repaired are scrapes, most likely caused by children, that were discovered on panels of the memorial last fall.
RKAS is advising visitors to the memorial that during repairs, the memorial's southern wall will be covered up and fenced off. The officers' memorial and bee sculptures will likewise be closed to visitors.
Access to the memorial corridor, known as the Journey (Teekond in Estonian) will remain open, and the sidewalk running parallel to Pirita Road will remain open to pedestrians at a width of at least 1.5 meters.
Parking by the memorial will remain unaffected. The overpass by the Kose Road entrance, however, will be closed entirely for repainting through July 31.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla