Ministry of Justice to nominate Andres Parmas for prosecutor general

Minister of Justice Raivo Aeg (Isamaa) will be nominating Tallinn Circuit Court judge Andres Parmas for the position of prosecutor general.
"Parma has experience in various court levels," Aeg explained. "His candidacy is certainly supported by both a significant academic background as well as his active contributions to the international development of criminal law."
Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) board member and Riigikogu parliamentary group chairman Siim Pohlak told ERR that the party has not yet discussed Parmas' suitability for the position.
"We haven't addressed this topic in the parliamentary group, and there were no sittings this week either," Pohlak said. "But it's possible that the candidate for prosecutor general will be brought up at Monday's parliamentary group meeting."
Aeg had originally wanted incumbent Lavly Perling to serve a second term as prosecutor general. While the Centre Party supported its coalition partner's proposal, EKRE, the coalition's other junior partner, was against it, which meant that Aeg had to start looking for another candidate.
Since 2014, Parmas has served as a judge of the Criminal Chamber of Tallinn Circuit Court; since 2017, he has also served as a judge of the Specialist Chambers of Kosovo.
From 2013-2014, he served as adviser to the Court of Appeals of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). From 2002-2013, he worked as adviser to the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Estonia, and from 2009-2017, he lectured on criminal and penal law at the University of Tartu.
Andres Parmas was born on June 3, 1977. He graduated with a master's degree from the School of Law of the University of Tartu in 2005, and is currently working on earning his PhD.
The prosecutor general is appointed by the Estonian government on the proposal of the minister of justice after first consulting with the Legal Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla