Native Language Day e-dictation exercise postponed

Vikerraadio's annual e-dictation exercise, which was scheduled to air at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, has been postponed due to the emergency situation declared in Estonia late Thursday night. The earliest it may take place is late next week.
Organizers of the event said that they understand that many people's attention on Friday will be focused on the recently declared emergency situation, and schools will likewise be busy Friday with making arrangements for their closure Monday, which won't allow for them to participate in the e-dictation exercise.
The exercise will take place sometime in the next few weeks, the exact date of which will be communicated to the public as well as directly to schools, which can use the e-dictation exercise as a tool in their e-distance learning. Until then, people can test their skills with various test exercises on the Institute of the Estonian Language (EKI) homepage (link in Estonian).
This year's text will pay homage to Estonian writer Jaan Kross, but also the 100th anniversary of the Estonian Constitution.
Native Language Day tradition
Native Language Day is celebrated in Estonia on March 14, marking the birthday of Estonian poet Kristjan Jaak Peterson, a key figure in the emergence of Estonian national literature and regarded as the father of modern Estonian poetry, who died in 1822 at the age of 21.
Vikerraadio's first e-dictation exercise was held in 2008. What was initially meant to be a one-off event has since grown into one of the most significant Native Language Day events in Estonia.
The e-dictation exercise is organized by Vikerraadio, the Association of Estonian Language Teachers and the Institute of the Estonian Language.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla