Estonia to send special operations unit to Mali

Estonia will send more defense forces to Mali this summer it was announced in a joint statement with the Dutch, Danish, Portuguese and French Ministries of Defense on Friday.
Kadi Silde, Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense, said the security situation in the Sahel is fragile and Estonia, together with the international community, is continuing its efforts to stabilize the situation and increase the capacity of the Malian security forces.
Silde said: "This will play an important role in the creation of a European Special Operations Task Force in Takuba. The Estonian Special Operations Unit will be ready to move to Mali from the summer to assist and support the Malian security forces in close cooperation with French Special Operations Units."
Estonia is currently participating in three different operations in Mali, the French-led Barkhane operation, the UN peacekeeping mission MINUSMA and the European Union training mission EUTM Mali.
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Editor: Helen Wright