Pärnu's accommodation establishments gearing up for reopening

Hotels, motels, hostels and guesthouses in the southwestern Estonian resort town Pärnu are making preparations to reopen their doors to guests.
Officials at the development service of the Pärnu city government said on Thursday a big proportion of Pärnu's hotels have been open already for some time or intend to reopen at once when the emergency situation ends.
There are also individual institutions which never closed their doors fully to visitors and have been offering the accommodation service adhering to emergency situation rules. Most such institutions are offering accommodation, but not breakfast, to avoid any contacts between patrons and personnel. In only a few larger hotels where the 2+2 rule is easier to implement the possibility of having breakfast has been preserved.
Virtually none of Pärnu's accommodation establishments has stopped accepting bookings. The numbers of bookings they are getting are not big, however, and also the numbers of queries vary greatly from institution to institution.
When it comes to the first two weeks of May, a lot of unclarity and uncertainty remains both for the institutions as well as their potential visitors, hotel operators say, explaining that people's hopes and expectations are connected with the summer months.
Preparations are underway also for the opening of outdoor cafes and terraces, where adherence to the 2+2 rule is much easier for operators and patrons alike.
Since the numbers of tourists arriving in Parnu from other countries probably will be very small this summer, the Parnu city government intends to launch a marketing campaign for the domestic market at once after the emergency situation has ended.
Accommodation providers in Pärnu County have in total 8,865 bed places, of them 5,187 in Pärnu city.
During the summer of 2019, 185,511 tourists visited Pärnu County, including 143,902 the city itself. Of the more than 185,00 tourists 81,843 were domestic tourists.
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Editor: Helen Wright