Party ratings: Support for EKRE has stopped rising
The rise in the ratings of the Estonian Conservative People's Party (EKRE) - which had increased in recent weeks - has stopped, results of a survey conducted by MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut and Norstat Eesti AS shows.
Based on the latest results, the Reform Party is supported by 32.3 percent of respondents - a drop of 0.5 percent - and the Center Party by 22.7 percent, which is the same as the previous week.
EKRE has 17.5 percent support from respondents, but a week earlier the party's support level was 17.9 percent.
No party's support level changed significantly during the last week but the long-term trends of the rise of the Reform Party and EKRE and the decline of the Center Party have stopped, the MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut noted in a press release.
The top three are followed by the Social Democratic Party (SDE) with 8.9 percent, Estonia 200 with 7.6 percent and Isamaa with 6.2 percent.
The coalition parties - Center, Isamaa and EKRE - have 46.4 percent support from survey respondents and opposition parties - Reform and SDE - 41.2 percent.
The latest aggregate results reflect the survey period starting on July 21 and ending August 17. A total of 4,000 Estonian citizens of voting age were interviewed by phone and online surveys. The maximum statistical error is +/- 1.45 percent.
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Editor: Helen Wright