Preparations start for 30th anniversary of restoration of independence

A commission will be established to start preparations for the 30th anniversary of the restoration of Estonian independence in 2021. Plans include free concerts around the country with a focus on people up to the age of 30.
The commission will be chaired by Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center) and will include Minister of Education and Research Mailis Reps (Center), Minister of Culture Tõnis Lukas (Isamaa), Minister of Finance Martin Helme (EKRE), Minister of the Interior Mart Helme (EKRE), Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu (Isamaa) and the Secretary of State Taimar Peterkop.
The main activities will be the celebration of important historical events and the recognition of associations and people who contributed to the restoration of independence.
The aim is to include as many Estonians as possible and the main target group is people up to the age of 30. Exhibitions will be held in several museums as well as living history sessions. Special projects will be organized with the media.
Restoration of Independence Day celebrations will start at the beginning of 2021 and last until September 13, 2021 on the 30th anniversary of the convening of the Constitutional Assembly.
The Constitutional Assembly was a representative body established to draft Estonia's new constitution which was formed on August 20, 1991.
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Editor: Helen Wright