Gallery: Vaccination of Riigikogu members continues
Vaccination of Riigikogu members continued on Monday and Tuesday at East Tallinn Central Hospital. They were given AstraZeneca doses.
A Riigikogu spokesperson said two members were vaccinated on Monday and nine on Tuesday.
These included Deputy Speaker of the Riigikogu Hanno Pevkur (Reform), who is pictured above without his shirt on, SDE politician Raimond Kaljulaid and former minister of Education Mailis Reps (Center).
Speaker of the Riigikogu Jüri Ratas (Center) initially said he would be vaccinated but then changed his mind, saying he would consult a family doctor and wait until his age group are being vaccinated.
Estonia's immunoprophylaxis committee has recommended AstraZeneca not be used for people under 60, although second doses can be given to people who have already received a first dose. Ratas is 42.
Three weeks ago, the first 30 members of the Riigikogu were vaccinated and the vaccination of government ministers started the following week. It is not known how many members of the Riigikogu have been vaccinated independently.
President Kersti Kaljulaid received her second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine last week.
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Editor: Helen Wright