Former MEP to start work as foreign ministry adviser
Former MEP Indrek Tarand is taking up a post at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he will focus on development cooperation and humanitarian aid, daily Postimees reports.
Foreign ministry spokesperson Kristina Ots aaid: "Following a successful public competitive process, Indrek Tarand started work in a diplomatic position, in the development, cooperation and humanitarian aid office," Postimees reported (link in Estonian).
The role oversees financial and material aid for the developing world, as well as knowledge sharing, in conjunction with other ministries, the government office, local government and civil society and the private sector, as well as international partners such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD and the World Bank, Postimees says.
Tarand's most recent position has been with think tank the International Center for Defense Studies (ICDS), where he focused on analyzing the Russian Federation's influence on Belarus.
He was an MEP 2009-2019 as an independent, sitting with the European Greens parliamentary group, and ran on the Social Democratic Party's list in the 2019 general election, though did not officially join the party.
Tarand also ran as president against Toomas Hendrik Ilves, in 2011.
The original Postimees piece (in Estonian) is here.
Current Minister of Foreign Affairs is Eva-Maria Liimets (Center).
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Editor: Andrew Whyte