220 reservists called up for additional snap defense exercise Okas

The Estonian government has called as many as 220 members of the 911th Air Base Defense Unit to participate in snap defense readiness exercise (SNAPEX) "Okas 23-3" (Quill). According to a government press release, Exercise Okas is of a defensive nature, with the aim of practicing national defense activities and there is no immediate security threat to Estonia.
Based on the proposal by the Commander of Estonian Defense Forces (EDF), up to 220 reservists from Air Forces 911th Air Base Defense Unit have been ordered by the Government of Estonia to participate the SNAPEX Okas 23-3 from November 8 to 11, 2023.
In addition, up to 45 active duty members of the Estonian Defense Forces will be involved in the exercise in supporting roles.
Reservists, whose units have been called to the exercise, are obligated to report to the designated assembly points at the time specified in their orders .
Reservists called to duty can check their orders on the website www.kaitsevaeteenistus.ee. Called up reservists can receive additional information about the exercise from the phone number +372 8002525 and e-mail [email protected].
The main purpose of exercise Okas is to test the chain of command of national defense, from a decision of the Estonian government to the achievement of combat readiness of the designated units in the rapid response structure.
The task of the Estonian Defense Forces and Estonian Defense League (Kaitseliit) is to ensure the country is constantly ready to defend itself, with such exercises necessary in order to ensure procedures are well practiced.
The last Snap Exercise Okas was carried out in May 2023.
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Editor: Michael Cole