250 reservists called up for snap exercise Okas

Up to 250 reservists were called to the annual snap exercise Okas 24-2 (Quill) by the government on Monday to practice national defense activities.
Exercise Okas tests the national defense chain of command, from the government's decision to achieving combat readiness of designated units in the rapid response structure.
Up to 250 members of the Engineer Battalion (1st Infantry Brigade) and Air Defence Battery (Estonian Division) have been ordered to participate in the SNAPEX Okas 24-2 from December 3-15.
"There is no immediate security threat to Estonia," a statement from the government said.
The coalition's order was based on a proposal by the Commander of Estonian Defence Forces, Maj. Gen. Andrus Merilo.
Reservists called to duty can check their orders here. Called-up reservists can receive additional information about the exercise from the phone number +372 8002525 and e-mail [email protected].
For reservists of the Engineer Battalion (1st Infantry Brigade), the SNAPEX is conducted flexibly. Based on the exercise plan, after conducting their assignments reservists are allowed to leave the unit location, but need to be in readiness to immediately return to service once summoned.
Reservists of Air Defence Battery (Estonian Division) will participate in readiness exercise Okas 24-2 from December 3 to 8.
"Security does not happen by itself, which is why Estonia must organize regular exercises in peacetime in order to maintain and increase the ability of the reserve structure to react in a timely matter," the government said.
At least one Okas snap exercise is held every year, with the most recent taking place in October.
The EDF regularly order reservists to larger and smaller exercises, such as Siil (Hedgehog) and Kevadtorm (Spring Storm), with a long, 120-day notice.
On Monday, the two-week-long international military Exercise Pikne ("Lightning") began in northern and northeastern Estonia which will include almost 2,000 participants.
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Editor: Helen Wright