Voters' Compass helps you choose wisely in European elections

Our readers can now use the EU&I European Parliament Election Voters' Compass on the Estonian Broadcasting Portal to find political parties that share their values by answering 30 questions. From high server traffic, the compass page may open slowly. Click on the light purple "Alusta" button to switch to English on the next page (top right).
The EU&I Compass was developed by the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, in collaboration with a scientific committee of researchers from the Universities of Lausanne and Lucerne. ERR is the partner in Estonia for the online application, which is available in more than 20 languages and covers the same questions in all countries.
It is important to note that EU&I is a politically neutral application and all respondents remain anonymous.
In the Voter Compass, respondents can react to 30 political statements by indicating their level of agreement on a five-point scale from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree," plus the option of answering "No Opinion."
You can also rank the importance of topics by indicating the degree to which each topic is important to you personally. The application then uses a mathematical algorithm to give more weight to opinions that the user considers more important and less weight to opinions that the user considers less important. If an opinion is missing, it will not be weighted.
A user's political profile can be compared to political parties in a particular country, as well as to political parties and transnational Europarties across the European Union.
EU&I has been at the forefront of European Election Voter Compasses since 2009, with the launch of the EU Profiler – the first international European Election Voter Compass covering all EU member states. The project continued under a new name – euand (EU&I) – in 2014 and 2019, reaching a record 1.28 million users.
With the aim of broadening the scope of the Voter Compass, EU&I was subsequently adapted for a number of national elections: the German Bundestag elections, the French presidential elections and the Italian parliamentary elections, as well as the 2023 Estonian parliamentary elections in cooperation with the Estonian Broadcasting Corporation. The Voter's Compass for the Riigikogu elections, which was available on the ERR portal, attracted more than 100,000 users.
Estonian researcher Andres Reiljan of the European University Institute has played an important role in the voter compass for both the 2023 Riigikogu elections and the 2024 European Parliament elections.
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Editor: Urmet Kook, Kristina Kersa