Mikser: EKRE picket against Merkel only served Russian interests

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sven Mikser (SDE) said on Friday that the picket organized by the Estonian Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) to protest on Friday against German chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy only served Russian interests.
“At their ‘protest action’ today, EKRE exposed themselves in all their vulgarity,” Mikser said on social media on Friday evening. “The vulgar mockery of the government leader of Germany, one of our biggest allies, at her arrival in Tallinn only served the interests of one country, and that country is not Estonia.”
Mikser said that he didn’t know all of the EKRE members and sympathizers who took part in the protest, but added that he considered it “entirely probable” that some of them are stupid enough to believe that they were doing Estonia a favor.
“I don’t think [EKRE candidate for mayor of Tallinn and MP] Martin Helme is that stupid. He knows very well what he is doing. And that is what is especially ugly about the whole thing,” Mikser said.
EKRE staged a picket at the Tallinn Creative Hub on Friday to shame Angela Merkel for being what the party calls “the midwife of multiculturalism”.
Merkel was bringing the demand with her that Estonia accept a lot more refugees in the future, Helme said earlier this week. “We are planning to clearly and loudly tell the politicians of the European Union as well as those of our own country that our quota is still zero, and we do not agree with the open doors policy,” Helme said.
Editor: Dario Cavegn
Source: BNS