EKRE to picket during Merkel visit in Tallinn

The Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) is planning on staging a picket at Tallinn Creative Hub on Friday in connection with the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Estonia for the Tallinn Digital Summit.
"It is likely that the midwife of multiculturalism Angela Merkel arriving at the Eurocrats' summit will bring with it the demand that Estonia must accept a lot more immigrants than it has until now," EKRE deputy chairman Martin Helme said.
"At the picket, we plant to clearly and loudly tell politicians of the EU as well as those of our own country that our quota is still zero and we do not agree with the open doors policy," he said. "We cannot leave the impression that our people agree with Merkel's policy. We cannot allow [Prime Minister] Jüri Ratas or [Minister of the Interior] Andres Anvelt to make any concessions to Merkel."
Speakers at the picket are to include Helme, Urmas Espenberg, Anti Poolamets, Indrek Särg and Georg Kirsberg.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS