EKRE MP: Estonia must abandon participation in UN migration agreement
Following the example of the United States, Estonia must abandon participation in the UN's migration agreement, Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) deputy chairman Jaak Madison said.
"The U.S. under the leadership of President [Donald] Trump is strengthening its sovereignty and blocking the globalist agenda," party spokespeople quoted Madison as saying. "Abandoning the migration agreement must also set an example for Estonia's foreign policy. Estonia alone should decide what kind of migration policy is in our interests, not the UN or a third party."
The Trump administration announced on Monday that the U.S. is to quit participation in the UN migration agreement as it is inconsistent and contradictory.
The New York Declaration was adopted at a refugee and migration conference held in New York on Sept. 19, 2016. With this declaration, participating countries assumed the responsibility of strengthening the positive contribution that the migrants give to the economic and social development of receiving countries. The declaration also condemnded xenophobia against refugees and migrants.
According to Madison, the U.S.' decision was important for the entire world, as it demonstrated the U.S.' self-determination capability as well as the organization of independent migration policy.
Madison added that the agreement signed last year, when Estonia was represented by then-President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and then-Minister of Foreign Affairs Jürgen Ligi (Reform), designated Estonia with the responsibility of financing propaganda in which economic migrants are shown in a positive light and the spread of multiculturalism is promoted in Estonia as well.
"The New York Declaration may be inconsistent with our Constitution, which regards Estonia as a nation state, as the UN's policy is clearly left-liberal and focused on the polarization of nation states," Madison said.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS