Tallinn's 2018 budget to bring raises in several sectors

The €683 million budget adopted by Tallinn City Council on Thursday includes funding for raises in the fields of education, culture, youth work and social services.
In comments released on Friday, Tallinn City Council chairman Mihhail Kõlvart (Center) said that the monthly salary of general education teachers and support specialists on the city payroll will increase to €1,150 next year.
Additional money has also been earmarked for school secretaries and day guards, while the minimum monthly wage for the city's youth workers will be fixed at €900, and the payroll of the city's social services institutions will increase by ten percent.
Starting next year, full-time cultural workers with degrees will begin earning at least €1,150 per month, while other city cultural institution employees can expect a raise of up to 7.5 percent, Kõlvart said.
Tallinn City Council on Thursday evening endorsed its municipal budget for 2018, which sets the city's income and expenditures next year at €683 million, up one percent from the adjusted budget for 2017. The city's revenue is budgeted to total €648 mllion, 67.5 percent of which will be made up of tax income, including state (65.7 percent) and local (1.8 percent) taxes.
The capital city's operating expenses are budgeted to total €549.1 million, up six percent from 2017. Education expenses account for 32 percent of total expenses, followed by public transport with 17 and social welfare with ten percent of the total.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS