Government backs introduction of 'state buildings' in county centers

The government expressed its support of a plan of the Finance Ministry on Friday to set up so-called state buildings in county centers that will house different state institutions and provide premises for state employees for remote work.
"We will bring similar services together in one place so that residents could get them several at a time and fast," Minister of Public Administration Jaak Aab (Center) said.
"On the one hand this will reduce the amount of time required from residents and entrepreneurs and facilitate using the service, while on the other hand we will facilitate cooperation between the institutions. In addition we will save on property costs," Aab added.
According to the concept that received the government's nod, state buildings would be established in all county towns with the exception of Tallinn and Tartu.
In deciding about the format of the state buildings, preference would be given where possible to sectoral similarity, such as offering services in internal security and traffic safety, labor and welfare, agriculture and the environment in one place and in a coordinated manner.
In addition to workers of these fields it would be possible for employees of other institutions and county organizations and associations of municipalities, as well as of institutions of municipalities, such as social workers, to be based on the premises.
Aab said that the government will definitely take into consideration the nature and size of different regions when deciding about the specific combination.
"In Rapla one state building offering the principal services could be established, whereas in Rakvere sectoral state buildings should be established instead. We conducted can in-depth analysis prior to making the decision and we can be certain in saying that municipalities are keen to see the realization of the plans as well. Expectations are high when it comes to putting the offering of services in order," the minister added.
Both temporary and permanent places for remote work with a secure internet connection could be made available in the state buildings.
The state real estate management company RKAS is preparing a pilot project in the provision of workplaces for remote work in Rapla, Paide and Haapsalu that will serve as an input for the creation of remote work environments in all counties.
Editor: Dario Cavegn
Source: BNS