Estonia allocates €638,000 to small islands

The Finance Ministry has decided to provide €638,000 to finance 16 projects aimed at improving vital services on the country’s small islands.
“The aim of the small islands program is to make vital services better available to the communities of the islands, and to improve their quality. We want life to be good on the small islands, so we support very different projects, ranging from the improvement of transport and rescue capabilities to the renovation of necessary buildings,” Minister of Public Administration Jaak Aab (Center) said in a press release earlier this week.
The small islands program is in effect for the seventh year in a row. In this year’s call for proposals, applications for €1.3 million in funding came in.
The approved initiatives this year include projects for a hovercraft for the Lake Peipus island of Piirissaar, rescue equipment for the island of Aegna, developing the port of Vikati Vilsandi, the renovation of a store on Piirissaar, new furniture for the school on Ruhnu, setting up a filling station on Abruka island, a fire water station for Manija, and improving the maritime rescue capability on the island of Vormsi.
The small islands program covers 12 islands: Naissaar, Prangli, Aegna, Osmussaar, Vormsi, Kihnu, Manija, Kesselaid, Vilsandi, Ruhnu, Abruka, and Piirissaar.
Eligible for the support are municipalities, not-for-profits, foundations, state institutions, and businesses.
Prime Minister Jüri Ratas is visiting the islands this week, stopping at Ruhnu, Saaremaa, Abruka, and Vilsandi between Thursday and Sunday.
Editor: Dario Cavegn
Source: BNS