Enefit Green produces 10 times more wind-generated power than year ago

Enefit Green, the renewables subsidiary of electricity generation company Eesti Energia, has seen a ten-fold increase in its electricity generation, year-on-year (y-o-y), the company reports.
Enefit Green produced 124 GWh of electricity from its wind farms in February, ten times more than the previous year and 30% more than the previous month, according to a press release.
124 GWh can sustain 40,000 average consumption households* for a year, the company says.
Aavo Kärmas, board chair at Enefit Green, puts the strong performance down to to excellent wind conditions in February and good reliability on the wind farms.
"In addition, with the acquisition of Nelja Energia [in November 2018-ed.], Enefit Green has increased its wind energy production portfolio, which has resulted in significantly more wind farms today. Thanks to more stable and stronger winds, the wind farms produced a record amount of electricity in February," Mr Kärmas added.
Enefit Green operates a total of 20 wind farms, with 165 wind turbines, and a total capacity of 398 MW in Estonia and Lithuania.
Other Enefit energy sources
Wind farms are not the only sustainable generation source which Enefit Green uses. It also operates a hydroelectric power planet at Keili-Joa, as well as other plants in Paide, Valka, the island of Ruhnu, and various solar power sites. Biomass and municipal waste are other power sources used by Enefit Green, and it also owns a pellet factory in Latvia.
Following the Nelja Energia acquisition, Enefit Green's electricity production increased almost three-fold, exceeding 1 TWh per year. It currently employs over 140 people.
*According to Statistics Estonia, a household is defined as a group of people who live in a common main dwelling (ie. at the same address) and share joint financial and/or food resources, whose members consider themselves one household. A household can thus consist of one member only.
In 2008 there were close to 584,000 households in Estonia, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, which would mean Enefit generated enough electricity for a little under 7% of households at present, assuming standard levels of consumption.
Editor: Andrew Whyte