Enefit Green Polish solar power plants showing good output

Enefit Green, a subsidiary of state-owned energy group Eesti Energia, reported its electricity production to have been 64 gigawatt-hours (GWh) in July, of which the lion's share, or 58 GWh, was produced by wind farms located in Estonia and Lithuania, but very good production figures were also seen at the company's recently acquired solar power plants in Poland.
By comparison, 64 GWh of electricity is enough to cover the electricity needs of more than 21,000 average-consumption households a year. "I'm very pleased that the Polish solar power plants haven't disappointed us," Enefit Green CEO, Aavo Kärmas, said. "Both their reliability and the resulting production numbers have been very good. In addition, the sunshine conditions in the area have been better than expected."
There are currently altogether nine solar power plants in Poland. In July they had a total output of 1,234 MWh. Another 11 solar power plants are expected to be added to the list this fall. The solar power portfolio of Enefit Green currently includes 26 MW worth of solar power plants in Estonia and Poland.
"I believe that solar power has come to stay. Enefit Green is taking serious steps towards increasing its solar power production volume and developing that field," Kärmas said.
Eesti Energia has set itself the objective to produce 45 percent of all its electricity from renewable and alternative sources by 2023, and the solar power plants in Poland fully support that goal, Enefit said.
Enefit Green is a renewable energy company owned by Eesti Energia that produces electricity and heat in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, from wind, water, biomass, biogas, mixed municipal waste, and solar power. According to its own information, the company has the most diversified generation portfolio in the Baltic states.
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Editor: Dario Cavegn