Ratas: For me, Vaher matter has been resolved

Speaking at Thursday's press conference, Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Centre) said that as far as the head of government was concerned, the case involving Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) Director General Elmar Vaher was closed, and the government coalition would be moving forward.
"It's been said that in Estonia there is one president at a time," Ratas said at the press conference. "But there's also one prime minister at a time, and one government at a time."
The prime minister provided this comment on his own initiative, when TV3 journalist Eve Heinla had not long before that asked Minister of Finance Martin Helme (EKRE), who tried while acting as interior minister to dismiss Vaher as PPA chief, how he would respond to President Kersti Kaljulaid's comment that Martin Helme is not fit to serve as a member of the government.
"This matter — the PPA and Elmar Vaher matter — we have discussed this topic, both with Mart Helme, Martin Helme as well as the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE)," Ratas continued. "We had a serious conversation. I believe it was a good conversation for all parties involved."
Naturally Estonia is a state following the rule of law, and it will remain as such. "But to bring up this matter every day, over and over again..." he continued. "For me, this matter has been resolved."
Helme, Vaher agree to continue cooperation
On Thursday morning, Minister of the Interior Mart Helme (EKRE) and Vaher confirmed to the press following a meeting that they would continue cooperation.
According to Helme, he and Vaher worked very openly through everything that led up to the dispute to break out on Thursday, adding that both sides had perhaps been a bit emotional at times.
"We buried the hatchet," the minister said, shaking Vaher's hand before the press.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla