Gallery: Estonian Santa Claus, Russian Grandfather Frost meet in Narva
In keeping with a years-old tradition, Estonia's Santa Claus ("jõuluvana") and Russia's Ded Moroz ("näärivana"), otherwise known as Old Man or Grandfather Frost, met in the Northeastern Estonian border city of Narva on Wednesday.
Santa Claus and Ded Moroz met just inside the Estonian border in Narva, where the two wished residents of Narva and the adjacent border city of Ivangorod, located just across the Narva River, a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
The two holiday figures met with municipal leaders from both cities, attended a press conference, and visited a kindergarten and Narva Ice Hall together.
The annual holiday meetup is arranged by the Tax and Customs Board (MTA) and the North Western Customs Directorate (SZTU) of Russia's Federal Customs Service in cooperation with the Association of Estonian International Road Carriers (ERAA).
The objective of the event is to help support cooperation between agencies and municipal authorities in facilitating and expediting border crossings.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla