Nationals from 147 states live in Estonia

Data from the population register show residents of Estonia also include the citizens of 146 other states.
People living in Estonia on January 1, 2020, numbered 1,337,039, of whom 1,132,022 were Estonian nationals.
The number of people of undetermined citizenship decreased 6.7 percent on year to 71,051.
Russian nationals residing in Estonia numbered 85,917 at the start of the year, compared with 88,785 the year before, a decrease of 3.2 percent.
Residents of Estonia also include foreign nationals who have arrived under the EU migration plan from five states.
As of January. 1, 2020, citizens of Syria residing in Estonia numbered 117, compared to 167 a year ago, and citizens of Iraq 45, compared to 44 on Jan. 1, 2019.
There are also 18 nationals of Yemen, five of Eritrea, and one of Libya. The respective figures at the start of last year stood at 14, three and one.
Foreign nationals who have arrived in Estonia under the EU migration plan thus altogether number 186, compared to 229 last year. Irish citizens in Estonia meanwhile numbered 199 at the start of this year and Austrian citizens 189.
As a result of revision of the data in the population register, the number of people living in Estonia decreased by close to 30,000; nearly 50 percent of the people whose data was removed from the register were foreign nationals.
"The reduction doesn't actually reflect the movement of people," Enel Pungas, head of the population facts department of the Ministry of the Interior, said. "What really happened was that a register cleanup was carried out."
For that reason, the number of EU citizens residing in Estonia has significantly declined compared to Jan. 1, 2019, according to the population register.
The number of German nationals in the register, for instance, has declined 35.8 percent, the number of Polish nationals 43.1 percent, Austrian nationals 39.6 percent and Belgian nationals 36.5 percent.
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Editor: Helen Wright