ERR Musician of the Year is Kadri Voorand

Singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand was selected by ERR's music editors as musician of the year for 2019, for her outstanding performances both on the Estonian and international music scenes.
"Kadri Voorand is a brilliant talent and versatile musician who exudes creative joy," said Tiia Teder, editor-in-chief at Klassikaraadio, ERR's classical music radio station.
Teder added that 2019 had been an extraordinarily creative year for Voorand.
"Kadri completed a new album with [bass guitarist and double bass player] Mihkel Mälgand and her mixed-choir composition at the Song and Dance Festival, "Ära mind lahti lase", received a lot of love and demands for a re-performance from singers, and reached listeners globally," Teder continued.
ERR's Musician of the Year honors those whose achievements have promoted Estonian music culture and who have collaborated with the public broadcaster.
Tiia Teder highlighted her long-term collaboration with Voorand - Klassikaraadio has hosted several concerts and her songs are aired every week on ERR radio stations, ERR's culture portal reports.
Kadri Voorand herself appreciated the recognition, saying: "I am speechless and full of gratitude. Estonian music is varied and inspiring [and] I would like to highlight many other musicians of the year who have certainly given me more than I can be aware of."
Kadri Voorand also bagged a youth culture award from the president in 2019, and has recently played with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO), composed music for Priit Tender's cartoon "Orpheus", collaborated with various artists both from home and away such as U.S. musician Anthony Branker, Estonian music ensemble NOËP, Rein Rannap, Erki Pärnoja and others.
She has also composed for the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor) with the large-format "Laineile end kingin".
Voorand, 33, is a graduate of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater (Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia ) and currently works as a lecturer.
Concert tours have led him to perform all over the world, including at prestigious festivals such as Pori Jazz (Finland), the London Jazz Festival, the Cheltenham Jazz Festival (U.K.) and others.
She has also released seven albums, three of which have won prizes at the annual Estonian Music Awards.
The award will be handed over at a festive concert on January 29, broadcast by Klassikaraadio, and starting at 7 p.m. It will also be covered by Vikerraadio and Raadio 4, the latter being ERR's Russian-language radio station.
She is also to appear on this evening's magazine show "Ringvaade" starting at 7 p.m. on ETV, direct from Cuba, where she is apparently located right now.
Former ERR Musician of the Year awards include composer and musician Rein Rannap (2002), singer Ivo Linna (2009) and conductor Paavo Järvi (2012). The competition started in 1982.
Conductor Risto Joost won 2019's award.
The original ERR culture portal piece (in Estonian) is here.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte