Mart Kalm re-elected rector of Academy of Arts
An electoral college at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) re-elected Mart Kalm rector of the academy in the first round of voting on Thursday.
Thursday's meeting was attended by 58 members of the 70-strong electoral college, and 50 cast their vote in favor of Kalm continuing as rector. Seven ballots remained empty and one was spoiled, spokespeople for the university said.
Thus, Kalm was re-elected rector in the first round of voting.
Kalm was named candidate for a second term by the council of the Faculty of Architecture, the council of the Faculty of Art and Culture, eight professors, the Student Council, as well as former rector and professor emeritus Jaak Kangilaski.
Asked by ERR what the main issues are that he will begin tackling during his second term, Kalm noted that while everyone is glad that EKA's new building on Põhja Boulevard is finished, the work is really only halfway done, as the building itself is small.
"We don't actually fit in there, but I am very glad that the Ministry of Education and Research has earmarked funds for the expansion of our campus on the other side of Kotzebue Street," Kalm said. "We plan on continuing to handle that, plus we have plans in cooperation with the City of Tallinn for the property at Kotzebue 2, where we could have a place to communicate with the community, an activity center where a transfer of art sphere knowledge from the university to the broader community could take place. We want to communicate with tourists, Kalamaja residents as well as all Tallinn residents, and better serve the community."
School under one roof
Internally, the new building in Northern Tallinn's Kalamaja neighborhood has brought several majors under one roof together, and Kalm said that while there is still a lot to do in several directions, what's important is that the people are happy to get together in one building, and that the students now have improved opportunities to learn from the masters of various other majors.
"We have a now well-established tradition according to which the world's leading artists and designers deliver public lectures here, which students from other universities are welcome to attend as well," the rector said. "These continue to be crowded, and I can see how cross-major cooperation is taking place there."
All majors currently offered by the school will remain, he stressed. "Everything we teach is necessary for Estonia," he concluded.
Kalm will be inaugurated to his second, five-year term by President Kersti Kaljulaid on April 6.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla