Ratas: 'Stay healthy!' could be new emergency situation message

Prime Minister Jüri Ratas suggested the new message for the coronavirus crisis should be stay healthy ("püsime terved!") which should replace the old stay at home ("püsi kodus!") slogan.
Ratas, who is head of the emergency situation, said at the government press conference on Thursday we are in a new stage of the crisis. He added the new slogan and umbrella message to society in the future could be "stay healthy!".
"Staying healthy means that we are careful. That we all have a great sense of responsibility and that contributes to our being able to do all we can with the second wave when it comes to alleviating it. We stay healthy, 2 + 2 and wash our hands. This is the way forward," said Ratas.
Earlier this week the opposition parties in the Riigikogu said a new message was needed for dealing with the next stage of the crisis as emergency situation measures are relaxed and life tries to return to normal.
During the last 24 hours, 1,563 coronavirus tests were analyzed in Estonia, of which 23 or 1.5 percent were positive.
The number of people in need of hospital treatment decreased significantly from 89 on Wednesday to 75 on Thursday. Two people died.
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Editor: Helen Wright