Minister endorses new composition of Eesti Post supervisory board

Minister of Foreign Trade and IT Raul Siem on Friday endorsed a proposal of the nominations committee to appoint the new supervisory board of the state-owned postal service and logistics company AS Eesti Post.
Sten Soosaar, Regina Raukas, Mari Avarmaa, Madis Laansalu, Raivo Uukkivi and Kalle Viks have been named as new members of the board.
Siem (EKRE): "I consider it extremely important for quality traditional postal service to be ensured for all residents of the country, including people living in rural areas and remote-lying regions."
The minister said while the implementation of e-commerce solutions, expanding the network of parcel stations and investment in a new logistics center have been right and forward-looking steps, one also needs to find solutions to ensure the sustainable and quality functioning of traditional postal services.
"In my opinion, the new composition of the supervisory board possesses necessary competences to develop Eesti Post in a broad-based and sustainable manner. I wish the new members of the supervisory board every success in resolving the challenges before them," the minister said.
The term of office of the members of the supervisory board of Eesti Post is three years.
In making the proposals related to the supervisory board of Eesti Post, the nominations committee based itself on Eesti Post being an important company in the area of administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications the main purpose of which is the consistent and quality provision of the universal postal service - both domestic and international postal services - in the whole country for an affordable price and developing and maintaining the country-wide postal network.
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Editor: Helen Wright