Exhibition launched showing Tartu's draft future comprehensive plan

An exhibition showing future development plans for Tartu launches on Monday and the city government is hoping residents will leave plenty of feedback.
Starting on July 13, the draft of the new comprehensive plan for the City of Tartu can be viewed on the Tartu website, in the Town Hall Information Centre, and at the Ilmatsalu Hobby Centre. Feedback from residents of Tartu can be submitted until August 16, when the public display ends.
Tartu Deputy Mayor Reno Laidre hopes residents will leave plenty of feedback.
Laidre said: "This is the most important document in terms of the city's spatial development, which is why it is very important that residents actively think along and talk about what they would like to see the development of Tartu look like over the next 20 years."
The purpose of the new comprehensive plan is to shape the city while also taking into consideration Tähtvere region, which joined Tartu during the administrative reform several years ago.
The comprehensive plan sets out general conditions for land use, general construction and landscaping conditions for regions, the transport network, areas of environmental value, the green network, conditions governing the protection and use of valuable agricultural land, the high-water limit, and settlement development areas.
It also emphasises the importance of Tartu as a university city and regional centre in Estonia.
Changes are planned in the traffic scheme, which will focus on the development of the city's outer ring and network of cycle lanes as a priority, the creation of a compact and pedestrian-friendly urban space in the city centre, and the reorientation of settlement development areas within rural regions.
A great deal of attention has also been paid to the public use of the banks of the Emajõgi River.
Indrek Ranniku, head of General Planning and Development Service at the council, said the comprehensive plan determines both the long-term strategic trends and important details of the urban space.
"It is important to note that the land use and construction conditions agreed upon in the comprehensive plan for each specific plot are permanent," explained Ranniku.
The draft comprehensive plan will be available for viewing from July 13 through 16 August on Tartu's website www.tartu.ee/uldplaneering2040 (link in Estonian), in the Town Hall Information Centre, and in the Ilmatsalu Hobby Centre.
Leave feedback until August 16 via the map application, by e-mail (lpmko@raad.tartu.ee) or regular letter (Raekoja plats 3, 51003 Tartu).
The basic content of the comprehensive plan will be completed by the spring of 2021, will be placed on public display in the spring, and will be adopted in the autumn of 2021.
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Editor: Helen Wright