Greens ask members if they want to join with another party
The Estonian Green Party are conducting a members survey to try and shape the party's future and discuss whether the party should continue on its own or join with another.
Member of the board of the Green Party, Marko Kaasik, told ERR the survey's focus is on the future direction of the party and which topics are considered most important.
Board members also want to know which other parties they should cooperate with and there's a question about a possible merger with another party.
"We ask yes or no and if yes, with who. In the choice, there are all registered parties in Estonia," Kaasik said.
The survey will study asks questions about oil shale, protecting forests, a nuclear power plant in Estonia, basic income and drugs policy.
Kaasik emphasizes the survey does not oblige the party to do anything, but it is an important source of information.
He said the survey started on July 10 and will last until the end of the week.
Among other small parties, the Richness of Life Party and the Estonian Free Party have made moves to merge. These two would be the most probable allies for the Greens.
In the last party support survey commissioned by ERR, the Green Party had been between 2 and 4 percent, the Richness of Life's and the Free Party's support was at 1 percent.
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Editor: Roberta Vaino