Estonian IT minister sets up workgroup for determining terms of 5G tenders

Minister of Foreign Trade and Information Technology Raul Siem (EKRE) has issued an order establishing a workgroup for setting forth the terms of public tenders for 5G radio frequencies in Estonia, Baltic News Service reports.
The workgroup led by Siim Sikkut, deputy secretary-general for communications and state information systems at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, will include head of the ministry's communications department Tonu Nirk and deputy head of the communications department, Mart Laas, as members from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, it appears from the order.
Its other members will be Oliver Gailan, head of the communications department at the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA), Erko Kulu, head of the frequency management service at same, and Priit Roosipuu, developer of communication solutions at the research group on communications systems at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech).
The workgroup must complete the performance of its duties by December 31, 2021, the latest.
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Editor: Roberta Vaino