Samost ja Sildam: Did the government get revenge on critical farmers?

Transitional support for farmers not finding a place in the 2021 state budget is a peculiar move by the coalition, hosts of the "Samost ja Sildam" Vikerraadio talk show Anvar Samost and Toomas Sildam found.
If the 2010 state budget holds a total of €10 million in transitional support for agriculture, the 2021 budget makes do without, which has understandably irritated farmers.
Toomas Sildam said that things are made more peculiar by the fact that transitional support is included in the coalition agreement, meaning that the coalition has now started moving away from it. "Transitional support – in the volume of €15 million – is gone. And what does Minister of Rural Affairs Arvo Aller (EKRE) say? He says that priorities lie elsewhere," the journalist said.
Sildam said that one could interpret the decision as revenge against farmers who have been critical of the government this year. "Inevitably, it is a difficult position for the government today as individual farmers and organizations have been very critical of the cabinet in connection with foreign labor regulation and other things. It inevitably comes across as revenge. Even though I do not think it is and that the rural affairs minister should have dug in his heels during budget talks. Because, and let us be frank here – €15 million euros is a drop in the ocean of the €13 billion expenses side of the 2021 budget," Sildam concluded.
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Editor: Marcus Turovski