Estonia to create digital information system for EU presidency

For its presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2017, Estonia will create a digital information system to be used by other countries' delegates and journalists that will simplify the exchange of information.
"It is a central information system of the presidency which will be used by ministries organizing events as well as delegates and journalists arriving here," Valdek Laur, digital image adviser at the EU Secretariat of the Government Office of Estonia, told BNS on Thusday. "The aim is to reduce the amount of emails and printouts as well as to increase the security of information exchange."
Laur explained that the delegates' information space will be a part of the digital presidency initiative, in the course of which processes regarding the EU presidency will be examined with other presidency holders and preconditions for their digitalization will be created.
According to the adviser, the aim of the initiative is to make work processes safer, faster and more effective as well as to promote the introduction of the digital signature.
It has been calculated that during a six-month presidency, tens of millions of sheets of paper are used, an amount which the planned system should help reduce.
The project's cost is €169,422 and the system will be ready in time for Estonia's takeover of the presidency of the EU in July.
Editor: Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS