Norstat survey: Center, Reform coalition most popular
A coalition between the Reform and Center parties is the most preferred outcome from the current coalition talks, polling from Norstat and the Institute for Social Research (MTÜ Ühiskonnauuringute Instituut) shows.
500 respondents were polled online on Wednesday and Thursday and asked which of five possible coalitions they preferred.
The questions asked was "Based on the current distribution of seats in the Riigikogu, the following government coalitions are most likely. Which coalition do you prefer the most?"
A coalition between the Reform Party and the Center Party was preferred by 35 percent of respondents.
The second preferred option, with 23 percent, was formed by the Reform Party, Isamaa and the Social Democratic Party (SDE), followed by the current Center Party, EKRE and Isamaa coalition with 18 percent support.
5 percent of respondents opted for a coalition of the Center Party, EKRE and SDE and 2 percent for a Reform Party and EKRE union.
18 percent of respondents answered "Can't say".
A survey of Norstat was conducted on January 13 and 14 January among 500 Estonian citizens aged 18 and older. The statistical error for this sample is +/- 4.4%.
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Editor: Helen Wright