More than 50,000 covid vaccine doses to arrive in Estonia this week
More than 50,000 doses of coronavirus vaccines are scheduled to be delivered to Estonia this week.
In total, 52,440 will arrive from three manufactures.
14,040 from Pfizer/BioNTech will reach Estonia on Monday and 7,200 Moderna doses on Sunday. There will also be two deliveries from AstraZeneca on Tuesday and Friday when 21,600 and 9,600 doses, respectively, will arrive.
Eva Lehtla, Communications Adviser at the Ministry of Social Affairs, said there are no plans to keep the doses in reserve: "Our goal is that all vaccines arriving in Estonia will be delivered and used up."
Lehtla told ERR the vaccines would be dispatched from the Health Board to hospitals and family doctors centers as soon as possible.
Only second doses of the vaccine are kept in reserve as some doctors do not have room to store them.
A total of 145,394 doses of the vaccine, both first and second, have been administered in Estonia so far.
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Editor: Helen Wright