Mother bear, cubs caught on Estonian forestry commission camera
A mother bear and her three cubs have been captured on camera enjoying the spring weather in Järva County, central Estonia, regional daily Järva teataja reports.
Zoologist and nature photographer Tiit Hunt, who also project managed the bear camera installation, told Järva teataja (link in Estonian) that there were no shortages of bears in the Väätsa and Lõõla areas, noting that: "At least four bear families have been moving around the area," each with two to four cubs ranging in age from a few months to over a year.
The camera was installed in the Väätsa district at the start of April, on state forestry commission (RMK) land, though other wildlife, including a wolf, gatecrashed the party in getting airtime before the first bear materialized.
The RMK video below shows one of the mother bears, with three cubs, born last winter and filmed mid-morning last Monday.
Other wildlife to have been captured by the same camera include a lynx and a racoon dog, which in fact got into a contretemps, Hunt said, with the lynx emerging as the victor.
The original Järva teataja article (in Estonian) is here.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte