Gallery: Tallinn plans Ristiku, Härjapea makeover work

The City of Tallinn is planning another road reconstruction, this time in the North Tallinn (Põhja Tallinn) district. The project is only at planning stage, but will bring renewed sidewalks, cycle lanes, parking spaces and landscaping.
The City of Tallinn says it will reconstruct the full length of Ristiku and Härjapea streets (see map below). Ristiku is a major thoroughfare linking North Tallinn with Paldiski mnt, while Härjapea bisects Ristiku and runs to Sõle, an even more significant road, to the West.
Ristiku will be rebuilt along its entire length, from Paldiski to Kopli, while Härjapea will have the same treatment, from Sõle to Heina tänav.
Additionally Ristiku põik, a smaller no-through-road, will be refurbished.

The work will include benches, bus shelters, landscaping, cycle lanes and parking spaces and other features (see gallery), while the city government says the abundant greenery on the affected streets will remain.
Tallinn City Government is set to unveil the project sketch plans on May 30, at Risitiku basic school (Ristiku põhikool).
Additional studies are to be carried out between that stage and breaking ground.
In addition to new bus shelters being installed, a new bus stop will be added.
Ristiku street will get parallel parking spaces, while the roadway will be 6.5m in width; cycle lanes will run in both directions, 1.5 to 1.75m in width, while the sidewalk will be two-to-three meters in width also, according to the initial plan.
Härjapea will be designed as a shared space for vehicle traffic and light traffic (meaning bikes, e-scooters etc.). With a 5.5m road width and traffic calming measures such as granite strips in the center and on both sides of the street.
Härjapea will also be getting parallel parking spaces.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte, Marko Tooming