Poll: Isamaa rises to first place, Reform Party falls to third
With 26 percent support, Isamaa became the most popular party, while the Reform Party dropped to third place with 18 percent and the Center Party's support has decreased to 11 percent, the most recent Turu-uuringute AS poll shows.
Support for Isamaa was at 16 percent in October, but it jumped to a record 26 percent in November.
The Reform Party, which had previously dominated the popularity polls, has now fallen to third position. Support for the prime minister's party was 23 percent in October, but only 18 percent in November.
The Conservative People's Party (EKRE) remained in second position with 21 percent support. They had 19 percent support a month ago.
The Center Party's support continues to dwindle. Only 11 percent of the 14 percent remained from October ratings in November.
This is still more than the Social Democratic Party, which received 10 percent of the vote. SDE had the same 10 percent support a month earlier.
Eesti 200's popularity has likewise declined. Only 5 percent of people supported them in November, down from 8 percent in October.
Parempoolsed received the largest support from extra-parliamentary parties, gaining about 4 percent. KOOS received 2 percent of the vote, the Estonian Greens 1 percent, and the United Left (Ühendatud Vasakparteid) nearly 1 percent.
Total support for coalition parties dropped to 33 percent in November, down from 41 percent the previous month. However, total opposition party support was 58 percent in November (49 percent in October).
The November poll was conducted between October 26 and November 6. A total of 899 Estonian residents aged 18 and over were polled across the country.
The answers to the questions were collected 50 percent by phone and 50 percent online. Party support statistics are based on respondents' election preferences.
The bar chart and graph below show the relative changes in party support levels (in the second chart yellow stands for Reform; green: Center; black: EKRE; blue: Isamaa; red: SDE; light blue: Eesti 200; light green: Estonian Greens; orange: Parempoolsed.)
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Editor: Urmet Kook, Kristina kersa