Riigikogu submit draft resolution allowing preparations for adoption of nuclear energy

On May 8, 55 members of the Riigikogu submitted for parliamentary proceedings a draft resolution which will allow to start the preparations for adoption of nuclear energy in Estonia and the creation of a suitable legislative framework.
According to the draft, the Riigikogu will pass a fundamental decision on whether to allow production of nuclear energy in Estonia or not. The draft is mainly based on the analysis conducted by the Nuclear Energy Working Group in 2021–2023, which concluded that the adoption of nuclear energy in Estonia is feasible.
The members of the Riigikogu who submitted the draft support the preparations for the adoption of nuclear energy and the creation of a necessary legislative framework for it. This includes the drafting of the Nuclear Energy and Safety Act and, if necessary, amending and supplementing the existing legislation, the establishment of an institution regulating the safe use of nuclear energy and the development of sectoral competences.
The explanatory memorandum of the draft states that the adoption of nuclear energy will bring along several challenges, like training of qualified workforce, handling and storage of used nuclear fuel, and emergency preparedness. To address these, it is essential to ensure appropriate regulation, supervision, competence development and timely and adequate funding that would guarantee the safe and responsible use of nuclear energy when it is adopted.
According to the explanatory memorandum, the adoption of nuclear energy in Estonia would have several advantages. Among other things, nuclear power would provide a controllable and continuous generation capacity that would balance the fluctuations in renewable energy generation capacity, help Estonia reach its climate neutrality target, ensure a stable and affordable electricity price in the long term, promote research and development, bring economic benefits and create jobs for local people. The draft does not grant the right to build a nuclear power plant in Estonia.
As a next step, the Riigikogu should amend the Government of the Republic Act to create a nuclear regulator and adopt the Nuclear Energy and Safety Act. The impacts and risks involved are assessed at each point of decision. If it becomes clear that the next positive decision would have too great negative impacts and risks, or if new circumstances have emerged that affect the adoption of this type of energy, the Riigikogu can decide to terminate or temporarily suspend the process of adopting nuclear energy.
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Editor: Kristina Kersa