Tartu Smart Bike scheme celebrates 5th birthday with charity cycle ride

Tartu was the first Estonian city to host a citywide Smart Bike Share scheme, and to mark its fifth anniversary a charity ride will be held to support children with disabilities.
The joint ride begins on Saturday, June 9, at 11 a.m. beside Lodjakoja and will go all the way up to A. Le Coq Sport Sports Hall. Symbolically, the bike ride is five kilometers and is traveled through at a leisurely pace. Every bicycle is accepted, even your own.
Everyone participating in the charity ride has been asked to make a small donation to the SA Lapsepuue bank account or call the charity number 900 6425 to donate €5.
Sihtasutus Lapsepuue bank accounts:
SEB Pank EE031010220201939229
LHV Pank EE427700771004752311
In the explanation simply write "Tartu". For additional information on donations: https://lapsepuue.ee/toetamisvoimalused
"We are convinced that the donation joy is the greatest joy, which is why we have asked everyone to join on this 5th birthday of the Smart Bike Share to support those who cannot move on their own," said Tartu Inner City Bus Transport Manager Roman Meeksa.
All donated money will be used to help the children in need participate in an equine therapy camp at the Arma Riding Farm in Rutja beach village from June 24-28.
The price for the therapy camp amounts to around €8,000. Six kids from ages 5-7 will join, some of whom are starting school this year.
"It is for this reason that the camp and regular therapy is significantly important for them. One of the campers is from Tartu and thanks to therapy, they will have the potential to start moving on their own independently," said the creator of Child Mobility Disabilities Foundation Children Sirli Jassov.
Equine therapy is a therapeutic tool for disabled children because the movement of a horse makes the rider feel as though they are walking. The horse's movement patterns are rhythmical and repetitive, which works great for both sides of the patient's muscle movements and eases tension in the body.
The charity birthday ride is supported by A. Le Coq.
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Editor: Lotta Raidna