Trial of youths who beat a 59-year-old man to death in Pärnu County begins
The case of two underage boys who beat a 59-year-old man to death in Pärnu County has been brought to court.
In August of this year, a 15-year-old and a 16-year-old male, who had consumed alcohol and drugs, brutally beat a man they knew in the Tammiste area of Pärnu County. The boys filmed their actions, shared the footage and the video began circulating on social media.
The Prosecutor's Office has charged the young men with murder. During a preliminary hearing held at Pärnu County Court on Thursday, the defense attorneys for both accused requested the trial be closed to the public. They argued that, as the defendants are minors, the trial should not expose the public to video evidence containing graphic violence. However, the court ruled that the trial would remain open.
"Given that the principle of public transparency in judicial proceedings is very important, any decision to close a trial must be carefully considered. In reviewing this criminal case, I question what interests of the minors can still be protected, especially since much of the material has already been made public. The incident involved a spliced video clip of the killing, which was widely shared on the same night the crime was committed," said District Prosecutor Toomas Koitmäe.
The defendants' lawyers declined to comment on camera to ERR.
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Editor: Marko Tooming, Marcus Turovski