Winter swimmer: No need to break any records for time in the water

Speaking on ETV show "Terevisioon," winter swimmer Talis Tobreluts said that when taking a dip in winter, you have to breathe calmly and not test the water with your toes first, otherwise you will not want to go in at all. He added that ten seconds in the water is plenty as he is not looking to set any records.
"Every degree colder is still noticeable. You can feel the cold by the fact that your fingers freeze faster. Some winter swimmers wear gloves or slippers but I don't," said Talis Tobreluts.
Tobreluts said that winter swimmers are also a bit warm on the inside, in a good way. "It's nicer to go into the water when it's warmer, but that's the way it is. If it's below zero outside, then it's probably above zero in the water, so I'm actually going into the warmth," he said.
Anyone who is planning on taking a dip in an icy lake or river this winter ought to take it steady and have a long term plan to get themselves used to it, according to Tobreluts.
"There's no need to set any records. Ten or twenty seconds is enough to start with and then, over time, you can build up to a minute or two. You don't need to tell beginners that, because they usually come out of the water screaming and swearing," said Tobreluts, who has coached quite a few people through their first winter swim.
"They all say it wasn't that bad, I'll go again. They're going to be wondering why they were only in the water for ten or twenty seconds, but that's okay," said Tobreluts. "When you go in the water, you have to breathe calmly and don't test the water with your toe first, otherwise you won't want to go in at all."
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Editor: Annika Remmel, Michael Cole
Source: "Terevisioon," interviewer Liisu Lass