Royal Welsh begin serving in Estonia as part of NATO battle group

Earlier this week, the 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh of the British Army replaced the British unit from The Rifles serving in the NATO battle group stationed in Estonia.
At a ceremony held at Tapa Army Base on Monday, Commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the Estonian Defence Forces (EDF) Col. Veiko-Vello Palm welcomed the soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh, who will serve in the NATO battle group alongside French and Danish soldiers, military spokespeople in Tallinn said.
"You hav everything that a proper soldier needs to have — good training, equipment, and will," Palm said, addressing the soldiers at the ceremony. "I wish you good soldier luck from your new mother unit — to both those of you who have arrived as well as those of you who are leaving."
The 1,200-strong NATO battle group consisting of British and French personnel began their service in Tapa at the beginning of April this year. Next year, the French contingent in the battle group will be replaced by a Danish contingent.
The battle group conducts training in Estonia as part of Estonia's 1st Infantry Brigade.
The 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh is the Lead Armoured Infantry Battalion of the British Army.
Editor: Aili Vahtla
Source: BNS