EKRE calls on Pro Patria to tie budget votes to abandoning migration pact
Chairman of the opposition Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) Mart Helme has called on Helir-Valdor Seeder, chairman of junior coalition member Pro Patria to tie the latter's support for the state budget bill to a decision by the government not to support joining the UN Global Compact on Migration.
"Pro Patria still has the chance to demand from its coalition partners [the Center Party and the Social Democratic Party (SDE)] that its stances be taken into consideration and tie support for the state budget to the government's explicit decision not to support joining the UN migration compact," Helme said in a letter sent to Seeder on Monday.
"Next year's state budget will be put to a final vote in the Assembly Hall of the Riigikogu this Wednesday, and it will not be adopted without Pro Patria's support," the EKRE chairman continued. "The adoption of the state budget is a routine and annual activity. However, giving up Estonia's sovereignty and opening our doors to mass immigration are decisions that will irreversibly and in the long term impact the future of us all."
According to Helme, Pro Patria has justified its participation in a left-wing and pro-Russia government by claiming that in doing so it can prevent decisions being made that are harmful to Estonia.
"Now it is time to demonstrate that you will in reality prevent a fatally disastrous decision — if you are unable to do so, there will also be no reason to continue in the current government," he said.
"Whether Pro Patria representatives will participate in the government for the next few months or not is important to approximately five people in Estonia," Helme continued. "However, the absolute majority of the people of Estonia deems important that Estonia is preserved in the Estonian language and as Estonian-minded. Good Helir, I am calling on you to demand that an emergency brake be pulled on the process of joining the UN migration pact in the government, and if that is unsuccessful, withdraw your party from the government and halt the adoption of the state budget."
The 2019 state budget bill passed its second reading in the Riigikogu on 21 November.
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Editor: Aili Vahtla