Prime minister to be first guest on current affairs show new season

Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Centre) is guest on the first broadcast of a new season of ETV current affairs show Esimene stuudio.
The recently failed motion of no-confidence at the Riigikogu on Friday, the state budget, and relations with the opposition parties as a whole, are likely to be on the table.
Esimene stuudio is broadcast thrice-weekly and covers culture and social issues as well as politics.
"Our job is to portray both the good and the bad about life in Estonia," said presenter Andres Kuusk, ahead of Tuesday's show.
"In addition to politics, we want to keep an eye on the economy and the environment this season, look at life in Estonia more broadly and talk about the things which are important for people," he continued.
Readers with Estonian can catch the first broadcast, at 9.40 p.m. local time on Tuesday, here.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte