Kanepi rises in women's tennis WTA rankings

In the newest women's tennis world rankings, two Estonians are back in the top 100. Anett Kontaveit remained in 25th place, while Kaia Kanepi has risen to 97th.
After the US Open Kanepi, who dropped out of the top 100, successfully passed the Moscow Kremlin Cup qualifier last week and reached the second round, putting up a strong fight to second-placed Kiki Bertens. This helped her ranking to rise back inside the top 100.
In addition to Kontaveit and Kanepi, there are two other Estonian players on the WTA standings. Elena Malõgina is ranked 718th, down six compared to last week, and Katriin Saar is 1155th, a drop of nine places.
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Editor: Helen Wright