SEB issues statement on Swedish broadcaster money laundering report

Swedish bank SEB has been contacted by Swedish public broadcaster SVT, which claims it has information concerning potential money laundering activities.
Some of the information relates to SEB, which has an Estonian subsidiary, SEB said in a press release.
The bank adds it will act on any new information that arises, saying that it conducts analysis wherever it operates, and always reports suspicious activity and is prepared to terminate customer relations in such cases, noting that it has the same vulnerability to potentially illicit money flows that any other bank does.
According to Reuters, the news caused SEB share prices to fall by 12 percent.
An SVT report in February claimed that around €3.8 billion in potentially illicit funds moved between Swedbank Estonia and the now-defunct Estonian branch of Danske Bank. Investigations are ongoing.
As much as €230 billion in potentially laundered money is thought to have been moved via Danske in Estonia between 2007-2015.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte