€4.2 million Nõmme roadworks to see Tähetorni street close to late November

Road works on Tähetorni street, which links Paldiski highway and Kadaka road, on the southwestern outskirts of Tallinn, have begun. The roadworks, which involve the construction of new pedestrian walkways and light traffic lanes, as well as a reconstruction of the existing carriageway, will last most of the year, costing over €4 million.
The roadworks, which cover a stretch of just under three kilometers, are the largest in the Nõmme district to take place this year, according to the authorities, and the mild winter has allowed construction to start earlier than would otherwise be the case.
Both Tähetormi street, on the stretch running from the adjacent Veerme street, to Kadaka road, along with Veerme street itself (see map), will be closed to traffic for the duration, though access to residents and business owners affected will be maintained.

Rainwater drainage and sewage works are also to be reconstructed, ERR's online news in Estonian reports.
The finished road will see LED street lighting and special lighting, including improvements for the visually-impaired, on the pedestrian crossings.
Detours will run along Kadaka tee and Akadeemia tee on one side, and Instituudi road in Harku, southwest of Tallinn, on the other. Residents are to be informed of disruption and detours; construction plant is to be kept at the nearby Harku raba health trail carpark, it is reported.
The contract is valued at €4.2 million, with €192,000 being co-financed by Tallinn's water company, AS Tallinna Vesi. The construction deadline is November 30.
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Editor: Andrew Whyte